Capturing Portraits of Inspirational Muralists in Dallas

Recently, I had an exciting opportunity to photograph two muralists in Dallas whose work has always fascinated me. Alec DeJesus and Mari Pohlman are renowned for their unique styles and their ability to create awe-inspiring pieces that stop in you in your tracks and encourage you to take in every detail of the piece.

Spending time with Alec and Mari was an incredible journey into the creative process. I got to witness their passion and dedication firsthand. As we talked about their work, I was struck by the stories and emotions that drive their art. Alec and Mari have different ways of doing it, but they both leave their mark on Dallas, making it a more colorful and thought-provoking place.

Through these portraits, I captured not only the artistic talent of Alec and Mari but also the personalities and stories behind their art. By documenting their contributions to Dallas’s cultural scene, I was able to showcase the dynamic, creative souls who enrich the amazing city of Dallas.

Alec DeJesus: Bold Colors and Symbolic Figures

Alec DeJesus's work is characterized by bold colors, surreal imagery, and symbolic animals and figures. I was fortunate to capture one of Alec's latest projects at the Labori Boxing studio, as well as photographing him for my own personal project in the past. His dedication to building community and telling their stories has always been so inspiring for me to witness.

Alec's murals are more than just striking visuals on walls; they are powerful narratives that resonate with the people within communities. Each mural seems to hold a unique story, reflecting the heart and soul of the neighborhood. His work is a powerful example of the transformative power of public art, as it brings people together, encourages conversations, and fosters a sense of belonging.

While photographing Alec, I had the privilege of getting a glimpse into his creative process. His dedication to each project, the careful consideration of color palettes, and the intricate details he adds to every mural are a testament to his commitment to his craft and his community. Alec's art is a labor of love, and I felt privileged to capture these moments of collaboration and creativity.

Mari Pohlman: A Master of Detail and Inspiration

Mari Pohlman, on the other hand, specializes in large-scale murals bursting with color and unique shapes. When I had the privilege of photographing Mari's project at Sonny Bryan's, I discovered her meticulous attention to detail as she brought her larger vision to life.

What sets Mari's art apart is her ability to infuse her murals with a sense of joy and wonder. Her bold use of color and intricate shapes seem to radiate positivity. Looking at her work, it always feels like she’s inviting me to step into a world of vivid imagination. Mari's art encourages people to pause and reflect, to embrace life's small joys, and to find beauty in the ordinary.

Through her work, Mari weaves a powerful narrative that speaks volumes about the human experience and our connection to our surroundings. Each mural carries a unique story, and as I captured her artistic process, it was evident that her art serves as a mirror to the city's soul. It fosters a sense of unity and pride among the community members, who can see their own stories reflected in her art. It was a privilege to document her work, shedding light on the profound impact of art in bringing people together and inspiring them to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them.

Capturing portraits of Alec DeJesus and Mari Pohlman was an extraordinary experience that reaffirmed my own love for art and the powerful impact it can have on individuals and communities. Witnessing their dedication and passion reminded me of the importance of celebrating and supporting local artists who pour their heart and soul into our surroundings.

Art has a way of transcending barriers and illuminating our shared human experiences. Alec and Mari have truly left a mark on Dallas, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to capture their artistry in my photographs.


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